Friday, March 25, 2011

a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck.

i've spent my friday night watching the disney channel and trying to find the words for my participation page for relay next weekend. i could go on for days about why i'll be walking all night next friday, but there's a character limit and this is all they would give me room for--

I'll be on the UC lawn April 1st because I only got 8 years with my Granddaddy, I wish he was here to hug me and tell me he loves me "more than a hog loves slop", and I miss his belly laugh more than anybody will ever know. & My Mama Holland never got to meet my little sister. I miss my Mama's sweet smile every day and hope Callie knows what an amazing lady Mama was. If you can't be in the Whee to walk with me on April 1st, make a donation in memory of Norman Hawley and Margaret Holland.

so-- dedicated reader-- click HERE and make a donation in honor or memory of somebody you love more than a hog loves slop. xoxo c

Saturday, March 5, 2011

you can take the girl out of southeastern NC-- but you can't take the southeastern NC out of the girl..or something like that.

i absolutely love the fact that, despite the 331.65 miles [but really, who's counting?] between me and sans souci, i'm still THE white lake girl to people. a few months ago, someone in the wal-mart parking lot noticed my 'nation's safest beach' tag and sparked up a conversation with me. before i could even get out of my car, she was going absolutely crazy, flailing her arms and embarrassing her son. apparently, she has family in wilmington and used to go to wl as a kid.
this morning, i was on a grand adventure in waynesville [big lots, no doubt] and a man stopped me in the parking lot to tell me he went to FFA camp when he was in high school--back in the 50's. naturally, he asked me if i live near the "camp site". when i told him that my house is on the other side of the lake he asked if i lived at the "fair". yes sir, i live in the wildlife exhibit. really?
this week, i was mailing my recommendation letters for the CRM internship [cross your fingers!] wearing my eb soccer hoodie. the lady behind the counter asked me exactly where in bladen county i lived. we chatted for a few minutes and i left because the lady behind me was getting impatient and wasn't interested in my conversation with the postmistress or her family tree rooted in clinton.
today, i found a letter in my mailbox addressed to 'white lake girl', asking my opinion on rental houses at the lake. ill see what i can do, margie. i sure do miss that place.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


to the individuals shaping our future:

just because you used your dinner fork to eat your salad [which already has dressing on it, lady. that's creamer. it's for your coffee.], this doesn't mean you should yell at me when you don't have a fork large enough to shovel your food when you get your dinner.

it's jicama. a vegetable. branch out. eat it. stop whining.

you put chili on your veggie burger. your 'tude is not appreciated. if you're not a vegetarian at lunch, we don't assume you are at dinner.

no slice of cake is good enough to eat if you have to take a benadryl when you leave dinner. you're allergic to peanuts and the epipen makes me nervous.

thanks, caro