Thursday, January 13, 2011

dri-star means you don't have to wash them, right?

a very wise man once said "there are few purchases in life that are as rewarding as nice socks." i borrowed a pair of the said man's nice socks over christmas. he was right. the socks were incredible. so much so that i risked my life to drive to this cute little boutique in sylva and purchased my own. they're the perfect compliment to my new boots. i don't think i'll ever wear regular shoes again.
for all of you who are on my case about not keeping up with my blog-- does the lack of postings make sense now? not much happens up here. it's cold. it's windy. and i busted it twice going to class yesterday. stay tuned for more awe inspiring proclamations. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. apparently i live with said wise man.... according to bradley
