to all the people giving me a hard time about the lack of posts: there's not much day-to-day excitement up in these parts. you take it when you can get it. i don't want you to bore you with my daily schedule so i save the blog for exciting times. last weekend was one of those times.
brooke sasser tied the knot! the whole weekend was amazing. it couldn't have been prettier! poor brooke, in the chaos of planning a wedding and starting a new job, forgot her something old and something borrowed. although, she had the old covered with the 9 "old friends" standing down below. brooke and i have been friends since 5th grade and have been through a lot over the years! i had a blast this weekend and get so excited to think of all of the special weekends like this one i have to look forward to with all of my ladies. congratulations brooke and mark! i love you both lots and hope for nothing but happiness in the many, many years to come!
this weekend: mountain heritage day. so, luckily you don't have to wait long to hear all about the beard/mustache contest, lumber contest, etc.

something borrowed (on your post).. my picture!