thus far in my adventure i have learned:
-- cell phones were not invented for use by mountain folks.
-- i need an English-to-Mountain translator if i wish to communicate with the locals. [yesterday, the lady at dollar general told me that "the pair cut out dis mornin 'cause a transformer blowed down the screet. thank gawd the pair man had a spare transformer in his bed err it woulda been 8:00 'for they got it back on and i need to work!" i'm sure the look on my face was sheer confusion. after asking her to repeat herself twice [not an exaggeration] i realized she was saying power.]
-- the walmart in sylva is sub-par. i know, this is a bold statement for a girl from bladen county to make. i just expected more from a "super" walmart.
-- students get discounts at the trailer park. students with high GPAs get more significant discounts. oh heyyyy. incentive to study?
-- it rains a lot. students claim that WCU does not stand for Western Carolina University at all. luckily, i do carry umbrella[s]. somehow, two made the trip with me. [note: i must remember to get my boots when i go home.]
-- finally, i absolutely love it up here. the parkway is beautiful. and you all should come visit. stat.
I was just reading a blog by a Dollar General employee talking about how this random out of town girl came in yesterday. She said this girl couldn't understand english and she had a weird accent like an asshole. I was totally LOLing.
ReplyDeleteI read your conversation to Ian. He laughed too. You should keep very good notes. This could be the book that makes you all the $$$! Celia Rivenbark started somewhere just like this.