one of my MHS professors asked us what is getting us through our master's. most people are older with kids and a family. [there's a 78 year old woman in my policy class. she's hilarious.] most answers were 'the support of my family', 'hope for a better job that pays more', etc. what is getting me through the massive amount of work that comes with the grad student title? brown sugar and cinnamon mini wheats, coke zero, and the view. obviously, i hope i can find a decent job [so i can by more mini wheats and coke zero. ncsecu told me today that i currently have a whopping $3.96 to my name], and there's no doubt that everybody in my family is rooting for me, but the view i get to enjoy every day makes even my biostat class enjoyable. you guys are probably getting tired of my rambling on about how pretty it is up here. sorry. it probably won't stop until it gets cold and a bust my butt going to class [again]. hurry up and come visit before then! {the picture is the view from the study lounge on campus that i have claimed as my own.}
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
thank you, ingles advantage card.
one of my MHS professors asked us what is getting us through our master's. most people are older with kids and a family. [there's a 78 year old woman in my policy class. she's hilarious.] most answers were 'the support of my family', 'hope for a better job that pays more', etc. what is getting me through the massive amount of work that comes with the grad student title? brown sugar and cinnamon mini wheats, coke zero, and the view. obviously, i hope i can find a decent job [so i can by more mini wheats and coke zero. ncsecu told me today that i currently have a whopping $3.96 to my name], and there's no doubt that everybody in my family is rooting for me, but the view i get to enjoy every day makes even my biostat class enjoyable. you guys are probably getting tired of my rambling on about how pretty it is up here. sorry. it probably won't stop until it gets cold and a bust my butt going to class [again]. hurry up and come visit before then! {the picture is the view from the study lounge on campus that i have claimed as my own.}
Sunday, August 29, 2010
all the small things.
the "top ten" of my weekend--
10. a parking spot under the shade of a big tree.
9. jeremiah weed.
8. finding old pictures of me with my two best friends. [our bow-to-head ratio was totally disproportionate.]
7. finding my blog in meg's bookmarks.
6. hearing old school blink in the bar
5. darius and the blowfish.
4. panthers football with my daddy, mindy and callie.
3. coming home to find the mattress and box-spring in the corner of my apartment found their way to the door while i was gone.
2. the sundog i spotted just above the mountains as i was riding down hwy 74 w.
1. a package in my mailbox when i got home that let me know that the sender misses me just as much as i miss her. :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
W.e C.arry U.mbrellas
thus far in my adventure i have learned:
-- cell phones were not invented for use by mountain folks.
-- i need an English-to-Mountain translator if i wish to communicate with the locals. [yesterday, the lady at dollar general told me that "the pair cut out dis mornin 'cause a transformer blowed down the screet. thank gawd the pair man had a spare transformer in his bed err it woulda been 8:00 'for they got it back on and i need to work!" i'm sure the look on my face was sheer confusion. after asking her to repeat herself twice [not an exaggeration] i realized she was saying power.]
-- the walmart in sylva is sub-par. i know, this is a bold statement for a girl from bladen county to make. i just expected more from a "super" walmart.
-- students get discounts at the trailer park. students with high GPAs get more significant discounts. oh heyyyy. incentive to study?
-- it rains a lot. students claim that WCU does not stand for Western Carolina University at all. luckily, i do carry umbrella[s]. somehow, two made the trip with me. [note: i must remember to get my boots when i go home.]
-- finally, i absolutely love it up here. the parkway is beautiful. and you all should come visit. stat.
Friday, August 20, 2010
"welcome to WCU. whee are glad you're here."
it's official. i'm a resident of cullowhee, north carolina. the past few days have been a whirlwind of all kinds of emotions. i have no cell service, didn't have internet until this afternoon, yet i'm so incredibly relaxed. it's extremely quiet up here and everybody seems so easy going. i'm super excited about the small school environment. i met the dean of the graduate school first thing yesterday. he remembered my name and referenced our conversation [and pointed me out in front of the entire room] during his introduction. i have a lot to get used to [ie. horrible reception, lots of roadkill [due to the skinny roads], and no target], but i think i could get used to life in the "wild wild west".
--the view from my mailbox. give me a reason to see this, people. :)
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