just call me miley cyrus--because i've got the best of both worlds. although i have let an excessive amount of four letter words go on I-40 between bladen and jackson counties over the past 3 months, i am the luckiest girl on the planet. i was walking my furry sister at low tide on monday. a little over 24 hours later, i was enjoying peak "leaf time" while i checked my mail. i'm sure you guys have missed my list making tendencies, so here ya go!

10. my souvenir glass from tobacco road [thanks meg!]
9. people watching at the fair.
8. wolfpack shots with kenneth.
7. the fact that my mom tolerated the explosion my suitcase made in her living room. if you know her, you know her OCD was flaring up big time.
6. witnessing the redneck stance and getting cotton candy in the same night.
5. my daddy's corny jokes.
4. halloween socks [i won't tell you how many days i've worn them. thanks haw!]
3. red box.
2. perfect sunday afternoon on the end of the pier.
1. the fact that the semester is more than halfway over!
i had a fabulous fall break and can't wait for my visitors this weekend![check out the sweet foam claw i won on campus today. it was like my own personal "welcome back. we missed you!" western, western, go western. gooooooo cats!]